I've just signed up for my second online class, running this fall, at the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest:
Following Jesus in a Culture of Fear
From global economic meltdown to health care crisis, from terrorism to nuclear proliferation, the present age is marked by a pervasive sense of threat and insecurity. This cultural landscape tempts Christians to embrace a self-protective ethic of safety at the expense of faithful discipleship. In this course we will look at ways to counter this idolatry of security and to embrace an ethic of risk that manifests itself in hospitality, peacemaking, and generosity.
This course is taught by
Dr. Scott Bader-Saye
I am one of your more "glass-half-full" types of people...but as you know if you have met me, my husband is the opposite. That's putting it mildly. In addition to any input he or his TV friends may give me (from which I mostly excuse myself), I have a pervasive feeling lately that we are all going to hell in the proverbial handbasket.
So when I saw this class announced, I knew it was for me.
I'll keep you posted.
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