Not to be outdone by St. Cass, I offer comments from the younger of my two Maltese dogs. Josie (the elder) is three years old; Boudreaux (called "Boodie") is 5 months. Here is what he knows:
1) Josie thinks she is in charge because she has been here longer. I let her think this.
2) Her long, floppy ears and beard are great to grab onto for a little game of tug-o-war. She's cool about it.
3) Josie's grandmother was a Champion. So she looks like the Maltese "breed standard" - everything is symmetrical, her gait is perfect, her eyes are close together, her head is held just right. I look more like a DOG. My ears are always flopped different ways, and when I run it looks like my back legs are oars plying the water. Think: "galumph, galumph." Daddy says I have Jack Elam eyes. Mommy says, no I don't! not really.
4) Josie is the Mommy's dog. Don't get between Josie & the Mommy unless you're up for some excitement.
5) I am the Daddy's dog. Daddy especially likes that I don't kiss all the time. He doesn't like doggie kisses much.
6) A fun thing if you are bored is to take the puppy pee pee pad and drag it all over the house and shred it.
7) For that matter, ANYTHING you find is subject to shredding, chewing, spreading on the hall floor. They tell me Josie didn't do this. I say, what was she wasting all her time on!?
8) I refuse to go potty inside on a pee pee pad! that is what FOOFY DOGS do. Not me! I'm a dogly dog. I go outside. Except when it's raining, and then I am a chicken liver and I go in the dining room. :)
9) Speaking of chicken livers - I have this yeast infection in my ears. So I have to get medicine and earwash. You should hear me SCREAM when they put it in! The first time, I screamed so much that they were frantic and took me to the Dog Emergency Room (because the regular vet was closed.) But I just don't like how that feels, and I think if I have to suffer, they should, too.
10) Oh! I am just learning to walk on the leash. Josie was somehow born knowing this, so Mommy doesn't know how to teach me. When we'd go out for walkies, I'd just sit on the ground so she'd have to drag me. It makes a white dog really dirty when you take it for a drag...but yesterday we got all the way down the street before I gave up. There's light at the end of the tunnel.
Have to go, Mommy just said something about a Greenie...? Wahoo!
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