Brene Brown asks: this week, what are you trusting, grateful for, inspired by, and doing for fun?
Trusting: My own body. My own instincts. I keep saying that, week to week, because it's a huge shift. I'm not sure I've ever approached this level of peace with myself.
Grateful for: the two sides of my family, which grew me and informed who I became. I spent the afternoon with cousins on my Mom's side who I don't know well but grew up hearing stories about.
I'm especially grateful for Graham, who is just younger than me and who is deeply interested in family history and stories. The gathering today at Grace's house was due to his questions. I also learned that he lives in Fort Worth, not far from me. He is clearly one of my people, and I didn't know that until today.
1st row: Donia, Grace, Ann, Susan; 2nd row: Dallas, Graham, Frank, Bryant
Grace and Bryant: the oldest and the youngest of their generation.
Me and cousin Frank (he introduced my parents!!)
Cousin Grace and me
Grace and Mom as babies. Cousins, 18 months apart.
Inspired by: the groundswell of outrage for the imprisoned and abused children from the borders. We may actually be able to turn this ship. I have hope.
Doing for Fun: Being at the beach. Being at the beach. Being at the beach.
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