Teri continues the RevGals Blog Carnival with this question:
What's the most surprising connection you've made through RevGalBlogPals? Or the most surprising or helpful thing you've learned/experienced through this galship of friends?
It's a twofold answer, because meeting one RevGal friend with an uncanny connection led me back to another longtime friend from my hometown!
RevGal Cathy, who now blogs at Musings from a Woman in the Middle of Life, and I connected early on. She was a faithful member of the blog, a board member for a while, and one of the other lay persons in the group. She is also from my same denomination, so we had some commonalities there.
One day I mentioned on my blog that I was going tovisit the Florida beach where I grew up, my mother grew up, in fact my family has had beach homes for generations. It turns out that Cathy grew up going there, too, to the Episcopal church camp that was located at the far end of the beach from our house (as did my older siblings and cousins). She lives in a South Georgia city about an hour away, and the next time I went there for a vacation, she met me at the airport and for lunch...and brought her mother to the beach to visit! It was a delight.
We became closer over the years.
One day, I saw a familar name on her Facebook page...someone I'd gone to high school with in Houston! I said, "How do you know K!?" and learned that X's parents were living in South Georgia, and K was working in Atlanta.
This is someone I always liked in school but didn't know well. She was in band, I was in choir...you know how stratified high school groups can be. It turns out we are now working in similar fields, and I have greatly enjoyed "getting to know" her via Facebook. It feels like a second opportunity to know someone I missed before. :) K and her family have since moved back to our hometown, so perhaps one day we will reconnect in person.
So, thanks to RevGals! For these two friends, and many others.