Teri says at RevGals:
Happy Birthday to us,
Happy birthday to us,
Happy birthday dear RevGals,
happy birthday to us!
I have a friend who always wishes people happy birthday with the greeting "happy new year!" It's a reminder that a birthday both marks things past and looks forward to things to come. So may our birthday be an occasion for looking back (as we have done the last two weeks) and looking forward at what God has in store for us next!
Because eight year olds love things that are slightly complicated but not really, and because 8 year olds are some of the most imaginative people I know, we'll be doing a two-part carnival this week!
1. What's your birthday tradition?
2. If you were blowing out the RevGal birthday candles, what would you wish for us? What's your dream for RevGalBlogPals?
The tradition at my house when I was little was that we would get to choose the type of dessert. And I don't remember what I chose (except that one time, probably when I was 8), I chose BlueBell Peppermint Stick ice cream to go with the cake. I recall that my older siblings, who were adults, were less than thrilled with that...I thought it rocked.
My brother Bill always chose Grasshopper Pie. Mmmm. For some reason, I have the bottles of creme de menthe and creme de cacao that my mom used to use. Obviously I haven't made a Grasshopper Pie in a while (or, ever). Need to do that!
My dream for RevGals is that we grow wildly (like an 8-year-old) and share our companionship and fun with many, many others this next year. It's a big year...we have a new Director, we have big plans, and we are very excited about them. I'll make a Grasshopper Pie, and y'all can all come have a piece!