The Call of Christ, Our King (Continued)
We now consider the call of Jesus Christ. Note the repeated use of two phrases, the “more” (or “greater”) and “with me.” Christ summons the best from us, calling us to the magis, to greater service and generosity.
The Grace I Seek
I pray for the following graces: to listen more attentively to Christ’s call in my life; to become more ready and eager to do what Christ wants.
The second offering suggests an even more generous, more heartfelt response. The disciple devotes him- or herself not simply to laboring for the kingdom but also to being with Christ and imitating more completely his way of living:
Those who desire to show greater devotion and to distinguish themselves in total service to their eternal King and universal Lord, will not only offer their persons for their labor, but go further still. They will work against their human sensitivities and against their carnal and worldly love, and they will make offerings of greater worth and moment, and say (SE 97, emphasis added):
“Eternal Lord of all things, I make my offering, with your favor and help. I make it in the presence of your infinite Goodness, and of your glorious Mother, and of all the holy men and women in your heavenly court. I wish and desire, and it is my deliberate decision, provided only that it is for your greater service and praise, to imitate you in bearing all injuries and affronts, and any poverty, actual as well as spiritual, if your Most Holy Majesty desires to choose and receive me into such a life and state.” (SE 98, emphasis added)
Ask: What desires, dreams, concerns, fears, or hopes does Christ’s invitation stir in me? How am I moved to respond now?
My procedure with these prayer prompts has been to copy them into a blog post in the morning, pray on them, and then return in the evening to finish and post after the thoughts have percolated for a day.
It is still morning. I want to say now that what I hear this saying to me is that I need to ask sincerely of Christ, what the invitation he extends is calling me to do. I have some ideas. I just need to ask and listen and listen and listen.
I can remember when I was a pre-teen, feeling like I didn't want to be one of "those" Christians (remember I grew up being taken to Charismatic churches and seeing "Jesus Freak" teenagers) because I didn't want to be a missionary. HA. Why I thought God would find me to be missionary material, I can't imagine.
Anyway. Set that aside and listen.
What I heard today was more confirmation of what I have been thinking. Unexpectedly so. I think.
Watching the RedTail Hawk cam seems to be a good way for me of getting quiet to listen (but I have to click on the videos tab to switch away from the chat!)
More to follow this evening.