A long day, beginning with a Sunday school presentation about how God and I have worked with my relationship to my money and my stuff (read clutter) over the years. Was followed by a financial planner who talked about money and strategies for handling debt.
I wonder whether my part of it was TMI (too much information)? The point was to show other people that opening the door and letting God in can heal strange wounds. I know there were some people for whom it resounded; but people who have not had struggles in those areas might now think I am a very strange person. (Which I am, no doubt about it.) I just feel a bit EXPOSED, as if I did a dance at the end of a plank in my bathing suit, and realized that some people came expecting a stately minuet instead.
Then Eucharist and Parish Meeting. Then a Vestry meeting with new members. Home by 4 pm with a whopper headache. And I wasn't even there since 6 am like some folks.
The nap, it was good. I am still tired. Tomorrow comes soon.