at least it's colder for was 53F this morning and is headed down to 25F tonight. Right now in Songbird land (far, far to the north!) it is 27F! So, we Texans say, brr!
The wind outside my window is making it veeery chilly in my office as I pack personal items.
My department is moving to another building over the holiday, so we are all packing. I keep finding that my incredibly energetic and efficient staff has packed something I need - like - scissors. :) I am more of a last minute kind of girl, so I'm rather bemused by this. This building is going to be torn down later in the spring, so there is a very odd feeling afoot.
It's like a "hurry up and wait" kind of thing. Should I go ahead and pack all my files? Will I be able to work if I do? (we are open through December 23rd).
When we re-open on January 5, what will it be like? We will be in an entirely new building, a new part of campus, new parking, new arrangement of offices, less space than we have been used to. Our current building is old and funny, but I love it. It has character. It's an old dorm...I like to think of all the many years of kids living in the very rooms where I have worked for 12 years now.
Of course the new building is even older (go figure) and it will all be a grand adventure. But I'm back to that theme of fearing change.
From this Sunday's lectionary:
Psalm 126
126:1 When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.
126:2 Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them."
126:3 The LORD has done great things for us, and we rejoiced.
126:4 Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like the watercourses in the Negeb.
126:5 May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy.
126:6 Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves.
Who knows what good things await us in the new place? I'm going to focus on that today.