My gentle readers are no doubt more and less aware of the kerfuffle going on in The Anglican Communion.
- Will the dissenting Episcopal churches get to keep their property?
- Will Gene Robinson be invited to Lambeth next year?
- Will The Episcopal Church (USA) get thrown out of the Anglican Communion on its hiney?
- Stay tuned! for the answers to these and other titillating questions!
In a related matter, I had sent an email to Kathryn of Good in Parts recently and noted that her Blogger profile shows that she is 251 years old.
She has just responded thus: "Oh...and your profile thinks you're 251 as well! Must be something about the Anglican Communion that ages people...." How very, very true!
Turns out that Blogger thinks I was born in 1756. Clearly, I've been a dissenter from way back!