Today is Ken's and my 8th wedding anniversary.
We are celebrating by going to get LifeLine screenings. :) They are set up at a church near us. We are both going to find out our propensity for abdominal aortic aneurysms, peripheral artery disease, and stroke (carotid artery screening). Seems a little macabre but, as I told him, a nice gift to each other to prevent (if possible) the sort of sudden and horrific collapse that these conditions could cause. Preventing mess and stress, that's my motto!
Seriously, we were horrified a few weeks ago to find out that one of our friends from church choir had what was likely a brain tumor. Exploratory surgery showed that it was actually a "brain bleed," a very minor stroke. He is expected to recover fully, thanks be to God! So our anniversary gift is doing our part to prevent such nasty surprises.
Later we will go to dinner at Celebration, our favorite Dallas restaurant,
and possibly afterward I will go to watch/help him power wash the new Sonic in town. (Our first date was, I watched him stripe a Chevron station.) Romantic, I know.
As a never-before-married person, It didn't occur to me that marriage might get harder as we went along. I thought it would be hard at first and then easier over time. Certainly I got used to living with other people after living solo for many years (I used to think, "who are these people and when will they leave me ALONE!?") As we've faced life changes (the kid becoming a teenager and then turning 18, just for an example), we have both changed too. And so we have to keep working at it.
Happy Anniversary, Mr. Sweetie. I love you with all my heart.